Collection: Posters

We can help you select the right material for every project and even help you choose the best poster paper to fit your qualifications, including your budget and intended application. Here are the main options that will allow you to customize your posters:

  • Paperweight: Choosing the paper itself comes down mainly to the paper’s weight. A lighter paper weight will tend to cost less, while a heavier paper weight will have a higher quality feel and cost a bit more.
  • Finish: You can also choose a finish you like for your posters. Options include matte, satin, semi-gloss, gloss and luster. When you’re choosing a finish, consider the lighting where you plan to display your poster. Choose an option that will pop without creating glare.
  • Size: Posters come in a wide range of sizes, including standard sizes you may be used to seeing in stores as well as much larger posters. As large-format graphics experts, We can easily produce large poster prints.
  • Mounting: You can either leave your poster paper as-is or mount it to a rigid substrate with an adhesive. In most cases, if you want to mount your poster, you’re better off to use an adhesive vinyl rather than poster paper.
  • Lamination: You can also opt to have your poster laminated if you wish. Lamination makes a poster more durable, so it’s a good option to consider for outdoor applications. Of course, lamination adds to cost.